It’s really inspirational to walk into the weight room and witness a lady lift a barbell with big weight plates and demolish 150-pound squats. Some ladies may be asking how to exercise to grow muscle while they continue to lift heavy and crush it in the gym. While some women are concerned of looking bulky, with proper exercise and diet, you may build muscle tone and definition. Here are 8 ways women can build muscle quickly without getting too bulky as a result.

Specific Training You Should Consider

Although gaining muscle is a combination of nutrition and exercise, how you train makes a significant impact. Women should strength train three times per week with full-body routines. Experiment with lifting dumbbells and kettlebells; choose a weight that allows you to finish the eight- to 12-rep sets yet is a challenge and alter the weight if it’s too easy or too difficult.

Proper Nutrition

When it comes to muscle growth, nutrition is also very important. You want to make sure you’re adequately fueling your body in order to see results and support your strenuous exercises. One of the most important aspects of gaining lean muscle mass is eating adequate protein.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast provides an immediate surge of energy while also keeping you satisfied until your next meal or snack. It also establishes a pattern: if your day begins with a robust and nutritious breakfast, you’ll be more likely to eat healthily throughout the day. Omelets, smoothies, and cottage cheese are your best options for increasing muscle growth.

Eat Vegetables and Fruit

Most of them are low in calories, so you can consume a lot of them without accumulating too much fat or weight. Fruits and vegetables are also high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, which aids digestion; however, be wary of the sugar level of some fruits.

Healthy Fats

Because they digest slowly, healthy fats aid in weight reduction and wellness. Maintain a healthy fat intake by including healthy fats with each meal and avoiding trans fats and margarine that are artificially produced.

Drink Plenty of Water

Strength exercise promotes water loss via sweating, which can hamper muscle repair and, as a result, will not help you gain muscle growth. Drinking water not only reduces dehydration but also hunger, as an empty stomach may fool you into thinking you’re hungry.

Eat Every Three Hours

Eating the proper foods at the right times is critical for increasing muscle growth. The simplest option is to eat your breakfast, lunch, and supper as usual, with meals post-workout, before bed, and two snacks in between. You will be less hungry if you maintain your food intake, because eating smaller meals more frequently rather than a few large ones will reduce your stomach size. Excessive time between meals might lead to overeating at the following meal or to overindulging in unhealthy vending machine snacks. So, to avoid cravings, eat at regular intervals throughout the day, and your body will get hungry at those intervals.

Eat Whole Foods

To attain the results you seek and greatly increase your muscle mass, you should consume 90 percent of your calories from whole meals. These are unprocessed and unrefined foods that are as near to their natural condition as possible. Consume more fresh foods such as fish, eggs, chicken, rice, oats, quinoa, legumes, veggies, and fruits.'s authors are some of the best in their respective professions from strength coaches, bodybuilding athletes, nutritionist, and many others. We constantly publish new articles, training and meal plans to help our readers achieve their fitness goals and become the best version of themselves. To find the training plan that's right for you, click here. To get personalized training/coaching, click here. If you would like to contact us, Please write to,