Getting better back and bigger traps isn’t as easy as picking up weight and doing the same back exercises over and over again. You need measured exercises to increase your muscle mass and you need to swap them around to maximize the effectiveness of your workout. Here are 8 amazing exercises to build a better back and bigger traps which are extremely effective.

  1. Barbell Behind The Back Shrug

This exercise is excellent because it targets multiple areas that make your back look much better, more defined and contributes to building bigger traps. The exercise is quite simple to execute. You need a barbell with weights which you are going to hold behind your back to start the exercise. Use an overhand grip and spread your arms at shoulder-width. Once you assume this position, shrug your shoulders to your ears as far as you can and then release the weight slowly.

  1. Barbell Row

Rowing exercises like the barbell row are excellent for targeting the lower traps, middle traps and a few other muscles that make your back look very muscular. To do this particular exercise you are going to need a barbell loaded with weights. The starting position is a standing one but your body is bent forward in the hips and knees so your entire torso is nearly parallel to the ground. The bar is in your hands gripped with an overhand grip and your hands are a bit further than shoulder-width apart. To do a repetition you need to extend your arms towards the ground and pull the weight to your chest. Afterward slowly lower the bar toward the ground till it gets to the starting position.

  1. Bent Over Y

An exercise that is often used for a warm up without any weights but when you add dumbbells to the mix it becomes an amazing exercise for your back and lower traps. To start this exercise you need to stand with your feet at shoulder-width apart and bend slightly forward similar to the barbell row position. From this position, extend your arms as much as you can in front of you to form the letter Y. When you are at the top, hold down the position for at least 1 second and bring the weight down slowly.

  1. Rack Pull

The rack pull is a compound exercise that works the traps along with many other muscles. To execute this exercise you need a barbell with weights and a rack on the ground. To start the exercise, set up the barbell on the rack of boxes on the ground which should be a little above your shins in height. Use an overhand grip and grab the bar at shoulder-width. Using your entire body starting from your feet through your waist, start pulling the bar up while keeping your back straight. Pause for a little bit at the top before slowly bringing it down to the rack.

  1. Kettlebell Rotations/Shrugs

This exercise is similar to the barbell shrug but instead of just shrugging your shoulders you rotate them all the way to engage your traps and build a better back. This exercise is usually done with kettlebells but dumbbells can work too. Grab a pair of either and stand up straight letting your arms fall beside your body. Start shrugging your shoulders as high as you can and when you reach the highest point rotate them backwards. You don’t have to do full rotations if it’s uncomfortable as shrugs work just fine.

  1. Snatch-Grip Barbell High Pull

The high pull is an excellent exercise that completely targets the traps. You’ll need a barbell with some weights for this exercise but don’t put too much weight on it because it’s quite hard to execute. Use an overhand grip to take the bar into your hands and position your hands as far as your arms are in front of you. Your hands should be positioned just a bit off the weight plates. Squat down naturally and explosively pull the weight up toward your chin using the momentum from the quick standing up. Make sure you are up on your toes too.

  1. Farmers Carry

One of the best exercises for your back and for your entire body are heavy carries. The farmers carry is an excellent example of a heavy carry exercise that engages your entire body including your back and traps. It’s very easy to execute and all you need are dumbbells or kettlebells. Grab a pair in both your hands and walk around the gym with them in your hand while keeping your core engaged and standing up straight. Control the movement as you are walking and keep your posture tight for maximum effect.

  1. Face Pull

The face pull can be done using a cable machine or a resistance band. This exercise engages your lower traps nicely. To do the face pull you need to set up a cable machine at approximately eye-level. Attach the rope attachment for the cable machine and grab it using underhand grip. Pull on the rope towards your eyes while keeping your elbows parallel with the ground to engage your back muscles.

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