Building muscle is the reason why many of us go to the gym on a regular basis. It is the guiding light that continues to drive our effort-driven exercises that many deem insane, but how can we successfully gain muscle is one of the issues that many bodybuilders have.
Here are 12 principles to gain muscle fast which should help you out in achieving your muscle building goal.
Train Heavy
You must workout hard if you want to gain muscle and strength. Training “heavy”, in a safe and effective manner, offers several advantages since it pushes the muscles not only concentrically but also eccentrically. If done correctly, the stimulation of a big weight moving down with control and then back up will produce more muscle breakdown and rebuilding. That implies you shouldn’t be hammering out 10-15 reps on every set. This will allow you to use more weight and generate greater pure strength.
Work Big
Yes, biceps curls are enjoyable, but if you want to gain muscle, you must push your body in other ways. Working through so-called “multi-joint” motions is one method to doing this. Isolation training has merit, but it should not be the foundation of your training. Exercises that challenge numerous joints and muscles at the same time are preferable. Take the dumbbell row, for example. Each row repetition engages the biceps, lats, and abs as well. Lifting greater weight is possible when you use various muscle groups.
Maximize Muscle Building
The more protein your body stores, the greater your muscles will get. However, your body is continually using its protein supplies for various purposes, such as hormone production. As a result, there is less protein available for muscular growth. To combat this, you must produce and store new proteins quicker than your body degrades old ones. Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, which is the maximum amount your body can consume in a day.
Increase The Amount You Eat Per Day
You require additional calories in addition to appropriate protein. Increasing the number of calories, you consume per day along with training “heavy” and working big will definitely improve your muscle gains because your body will have more nutrients to work with and use to build muscle.
Drink Shakes with Amino-Acids
Lifters who drank an amino acid and carbohydrate smoothie before working out enhanced their protein synthesis more than lifters who drank the same mix after exercising, according to a 2001 research at the University of Texas. The smoothie has 6 g of vital amino acids and 35 g of carbs. Because exercise improves blood flow to your working tissues, ingesting a carbohydrate-protein cocktail before your workout may result in increased amino acid absorption in your muscles.
Don’t Always Workout Too Hard
Your body needs to exercise every day, but that doesn’t mean your workouts have to be exhausting. If you workout hard every day, your body will not have a chance to expand. Aim to feel excellent at the end of each workout, not dead. Never exceed 12-16 total sets of work in your weight room training. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t challenge yourself and your body with a tough workout every now and then. However, workouts that push your body to its limits should be done no more than three times a week.
Increase Your Carb Intake After Workout
According to research, if you feed your body carbs on your rest days, you will repair muscle faster. Post-exercise carbohydrate meals raise insulin levels, which delays protein digestion, so eat a banana or sip a sports drink after your workout.
Eat Often
If you don’t eat frequently enough, your body’s ability to manufacture new proteins may be slowed. Divide the number of calories you require each day by six. That is generally the number of calories you should consume at each meal. Make sure you ingest 20 grams of protein every 3 hours.
Have Some Ice Cream
According to a research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this snack stimulates an insulin rise better than most meals. And this will stifle post-workout protein breakdown.
Drink Milk Before Sleeping
Eat a balance of carbs and protein 30 minutes before going to bed. Because calories are more likely to stay in your body as you sleep they will reduce protein breakdown in your muscles. A cup of raisin bran with a cup of skim milk or a cup of cottage cheese and a small dish of fruit is a good combination.
Take Protein Supplements
Protein supplements will increase the amount of protein you consume which will help you increase your muscle gains. Whey protein supplements are affordable and one of the best ways to ensure you are getting enough protein to gain muscle fast.
Get Enough Sleep
Resting and sleeping is as important as working out. When you sleep your body recovers from the workout and your muscles are growing. Not getting enough sleep will definitely slow down your gains and stop you from achieving your goal.